
My Headline

Looking for awesome family

My Description

Hi my name is Jennifer. I’m a 36 year old Black Latina from Chicago. I’m a quirky, good hearted person that loves to learn languages, cultures, and traditions. I tend to be on the quiet side at first, but once I get to know a person I usually open up a bit more. My family history is a tad dysfunctional and I usually don’t speak about the situation to others because I feel like they wouldn’t understand. In a nutshell, there aren’t any traditions or people to learn from. I had to be around other individuals and their families to realize that the family I grew up in and how they behaved wasn’t normal. Although this saddens me terribly, I don’t believe that all hope is lost. I see life this way: I’ve had the opportunities thus this far in my adult life to choose my career, religion, sexual partners, and other major decisions. If my blood family aren’t people that I can’t get along with, then perhaps I have the opportunity to politely bow out.

I’m looking to have a fresh new start on life. I want to have a lifelong, meaningful relationship with individuals that I can call my mom, sister, brother, grandma and grandpa. You know the best part of knowing my problem is finding a solution & I choose to be surrounded by people that will value my intellect, experiences, and physical company. What i can offer you is loyalty, trust, relatability, and love. I’m praying that you will feel the same way! Let’s create bonds, great times, and an awesome family history!

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Granddaughter, Daughter, Companion

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother




United States



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