
My Description

I lost both my Mom and Dad in the mid 80's and late 90's. The rest of my family lives far away, and we are not close. I have twin teen sons. One has some special needs. I am very proud of both of them. I get along with their Dad from whom I am separated 4 years. We will not reunite, and will get a divorce when it is financially feasible. He helps them, and sometimes helps fix things.

Along with the separation, went most friends and family that I had. I am basically a single mom.

I worked for years as a social worker, and have a master's in social work. I miss it now and the family I had at work with my co-workers. I stopped working in '01 after I got fibromyalgia. I also have some arthritis. They both cause me to have to pace myself and rest a bit more than most people. I enjoy my kids- but it is isolating living this way at times, I miss intelligent adults and family connections. I am active to some extent, and drive, but I just have to take it easy when needed.

I like people a lot, I am a listener and a talker, and I think I have a younger outlook than my years. I love a good sense of humor. I have re-established friendships with many friends from school and younger years which has been fun. Facebook is very helpful for that, but I am not addicted to Facebook. I do like going to a virtual reality place online called Second Life also.

I love animals, and have one cat. I enjoy many things in life. Cooking, reading, films, bargains/flea market/thift shopping, nature, teaching myself beading, to name a few. I move at a little slower pace than I used to, but I am still hoping to surround myself with kind, open, and positive people.

I do not like a few things, one is dishonesty, and another is smoking cigarettes. I have an interesting story as do we all, and I am not expecting others to be perfect, I just want others to be human.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Friend




United States



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