
My Headline

Christian medical professional

My Description

I was born to an unwed woman. I never knew my Father. She initially placed me for adoption but changed her mind. I wished for a very long time she would give me back up. She resented me. Was never nurturing. I would later learn she suffered from mental health issues. I was essentially raised by my grandmother who passed away a few years ago and I essentially feel orphaned. I do not have any siblings. I've always been an overachiever but I had to learn my lesson that no matter what I achieve I will never be good enough in my mothers eyes. I've gone no contact. I have a toddler son who is my greatest joy. It would be lovely to have a mentor and have healthy positive relationships with appropriate boundaries.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Daughter, Spouse

Looking To Find

Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Mentor, Spouse




United States



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