
My Headline

Potential Father Figure Available

My Description

My history as a son began a few decades ago when I was born to my mom and dad in Bergen County, NJ. They became separated when I was about 6, and I grew up mostly without a regular father present, save for his monthly visitations and the help offered my my mother's new boyfriend. I was probably not reared as well as I could have been without a dad in the house, and I became a rebel to my single-parent mom (who was also raising my younger sister). When I was in college, my mother had me legally evicted, and I moved in with my father for a few years before leaving college and eventually finally getting out on my own in my mid-twenties. My father died about a decade after that, and with the various places my life has taken me, I have returned to Mom's homestead once or twice in the past fifteen years. The closest I came to getting married (and becoming a father) was with my last girlfriend until we unfortunately split after three years. Now, with my youth behind me, I am concerned that I might not ever really become a husband or father, but with this website, I thought I'd try seeing if I could at least form a father/child relationship with someone who feels like something in their life is similarly lacking.

Willing To Serve As

Father, Mentor

Looking To Find

Son, Daughter




United States



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