
My Description

I'm very ill, and in bed most of the day. I've been homebound for about 25 years, so I haven't been able to get out and meet people.
I worked my way through college and didn't finish. Started feeling tired before being accepted to UT nursing school. Found out just a few years ago what some of the problems are…Addison's disease, a very rare tumor in my nasopharynx, CVID, heart problems, among other things. Medicaid doctors diagnosed me late and that can cause other problems.
I worked for American Airlines at DFW, and owned my own dance studio in College Station for a while. Ballet, Tap, Jazz, etc.
I'm pretty much a normal person. Appreciate a good sense of humor more than anything else I guess. I'm honest, progressive thinking, and sensitive to others. I have little patience for ignorant lazy people. I think I've become more intolerant of these qualities as I've gotten older. Something I'm working on. lol
I consider myself a progressive. Was raised Presbyterian, and now I'm hopeful, but just not sure about anything religious wise. I guess I'm agnostic now.
Just tired of being alone and sick. Need someone to come over and watch a movie or something. I get home health care, so I won't ask for any favors.
Been having doctor problems–on Medicaid. I might need some advice.
I'm not tech savy. Don't know how to get my pic from facebook on here. I guess I could use some help with that.
My son was turned against me after I signed over custody due to being sick. Still not in contact. Returns letters. And he's grown. Ought to be ashamed.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Mentor, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Son, Daughter




United States



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