WHY did we meet long years of yore?

And why did we strike hands and say:

“We will be friends, and nothing more

”Why are we musing thus to-day?

Because because was just because,

And no one knew just why it was.

Why did I say good-by to you?

Why  did I sail across the main?

Why did I love not heaven’s own blue

Until I touched these shores again?

Because because was just because,

And you nor I knew why it was.

Why are my arms about you now,

And happy tears upon your cheek?

And why my kisses on your brow?

Look up in thankfulness and speak!

Because because was just because,

And only God knew why it was.


(The Complete Works of James Whitcomb Riley. Volume: 3. Contributors: James Whitcomb Riley-author. Publisher: Harper & Brothers Publishers. New York, 1916. Page 740)




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