
First Name or Nickname


My Headline

Seeking love and acceptance

My Description

I am 23 years old. Finishing up my last year of college at the University of Houston/Victoria and majoring in Psychology. Growing up was very hard for me. I did not find out who my real dad was until I was about 17 years old. He unfortunately did not want me in his life. So I am no longer in contact with him. My mother picked her boyfriend over me and now is an alcoholic that never gives me any good advice or asks how college is going. I have this deep desire to have a real family and want to feel like I have a place in life. I am working very hard in school to feel purpose but there is still a big hole in my heart. Looking for a mother and father figure.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Mentor




United States



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