
My Description

I'm a son I have a pretty big family.. I never met my real dad but I believe that if you find someone that can treat you like family then they should be family I know American sign language and I used to wrestle in down to earth calm with full honesty that you can trust me i am 18 I don't like rude people or people that get angry I'm a peaceful person even when I smoke or drink I don't like drama and there's enough of that in my family to be honest but you take what you get I love them.. I work when I can even though I'm still a student stressed I really want to work for gaining my license so I can have what I need to help my future self lol anyways I like wrestling, video games and bonding

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Father, Grandfather, Grandson, Friend, Mentor, Son

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandson, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Son, Daughter


United States



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