
My Description

My name is Alondra, I am 23 years old. I was born and raised in Southern NJ. I currently reside in Georgia. I am in the elementary education work field, and in the process of transitioning into cosmetology. In my spare time I enjoy going to the gym, jogging at the park, going for walks, shopping and watching movies, and talking about life with close friends. I am a very caring person and love to help those in need since I know what it is like. I grew up with 2 sisters one is a year apart from me and the other is 16 years of age. I have 1 brother also. I do not have a good relationship with either of my sisters and my brother is mentally disabled. His disability causes him to isolate, so I do not have much of a relationship with him either. I grew up with 2 parents until the age of 7. My father was physically, verbally and emotionally abusive to all of us for years. My bother finally decided to leave him scared that if she did not we would all end up dead. She left him and we lived in a women's and children shelter until she got on her feet. We were stalked and feared for our lives for years up until we moved to Georgia as a family. Due to the trauma triggered by the abuse from my father, my mother began to abuse us as a relief mechanism. She would say hurtful words to purposely hurt us, hit and come home starting arguments. If you did not give into her by arguing back she would resort to violence. Threatening to kick you out and emotionally abusing by throwing your imperfections in your face. This has been going on since the age of 10. It has gotten to the point I am unable to have a stable relationship with her and I am still trying to forgive her for furthering the damage already caused by my father. I have concluded it is for the best to not have a relationship given it has effected me so much and she sees no wrong doing on her part. At the age of 15, due to her abuse, I ended up in the hospital for suicide attempt which failed since I am able to tell the story. I suffered from severe depression and cutting up until the age of 18. Since overcoming that, I would love to have my family in my life but I know it is toxic and that will never change because they don't want to. I am here because I yearn to have the family that I never had in my life. I have no connection to aunts/uncles grandparents or any other extended family members. It is lonely during the holiday time and I often become saddened that I do not have the family to go to on those occasions , no one to turn to when I need support, and they will never be able to attend my wedding someday and my future children will be without. I am open to gaining any family member who i also looking for a family member.

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor


United States



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