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I am kinda embarrassed to having to do this but don't really have a lot to lose. I am a 51 year old male. I am originally from San Diego and have lived in Los Angeles since 1991. The funny thing is that I do have a family as I am one of 12 but three of my siblings have passed on in the past few years. I lost my father in 2001 and recently my mother passed in December 2015. Since then there has been nothing but despair my mother left a lot of debt and my parents home went to the bank. Being an Executor of my parents estate there were a lot of unpopular decisions that had to be made and it has caused my remaining siblings to go their separate ways. Since my mothers death I have not received any phone calls and mine are not returned as well. I feel completely abandoned and at times it can be tough. Sometimes it can be hard to make it through the day and I sometimes wonder I even exist. There is little for me to look forward too. I work and live alone. To make matters worse in June 2016 my best and closest friend was killed. I am not looking forward to the end of the year and hope that somewhere I can find some peace and happiness once again. I miss my mother very much she was the one ray of hope in my life.

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Friend

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor


United States



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