
My Headline


My Description

I like to think of myself as someone who has defied the odds in life. I consider myself successful in most aspects of life and always looking for ways to improve myself. Love people and new experiences and incredibly non judgemental but will give my personal opinon if asked. Really love animals, my job, socializing, anything outdoors, just any kind of adventure that comes up! Did not have a close family growning up. Grew up in a very broken home but I made the decision to not let that ruin the rest of my life. I have always wanted a close family but I cannot connect with my biological one because it always ends in extreme heart break and pain for me. I have finally come to the realization that they really that I will never get a connection out of my own flesh and blood.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Daughter

Looking To Find

Sister, Mother, Friend, Mentor


San Diego




United States



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