
My Headline

Autistic Woman Looking for a Family

My Description

I'm Asha. I live with my husband in India.I am an adult (25yrs) living in India with my husband. I was subjected to horrible physical, sexual and emotional torture as a kid by my parents before they kicked me out of my home at 17. I was belted almost daily, made to starve, locked up in my room for days …. I don't want to describe it all. I have childhood autism and even though I communicate okay, I never stopped craving to be part of a family.

I crave to have the security of an extended family, a parent or a grandparent or a big brother or sister. I wish some family would adopt me, even though I am an adult. Most days I don't see anyone expect my husband who is very caring. I feel all alone in this big world. Is there a family who is willing to love me? God bless!

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Mentor



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