
First Name or Nickname


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My Description

I grew up in the Arizona Foster Care system from about age 11 to adulthood. I became a “legal orphan” when my parents’ rights were severed, but I was not adopted before aging out of the foster system at 18. I grew up thousands of miles from the rest of my family, with the exception of my only biological sister (who was adopted at 14), and my maternal grandmother (who has since passed.)

I met my bio father’s family when I was 22, but only keep in touch with a few of them today. I technically have three siblings, none of which I have a relationship with now.

My biological mother lives in the next town over, and I see her a couple of times a year. She’s tried being more involved in my life this last year, but I don’t know how long that will last.

I am married with three kids and a house full of pets, I work full time, and own my home. My passions include music, children, foster care reform and advocacy, genealogy, reading, all art forms, animals, and learning/teaching. My spare time revolves around my children and our pets, since they’re all that I really have.

I don’t know what to expect from this site, and have never seen another like it. It seems almost like some of the dating sites I’ve seen, which is odd (haha). I suppose I need connections with stability and consistency, honesty and compatibility, whether it’s in a sibling-type relationship, parent/child, or just as friends.

I will say that I am not perfect. My story before age 25 is not a happy one, and I am still recovering from some of my experiences. I am also still learning how to be a professional, how to parent, how to deal with friendships, and even how to care for myself mindfully and emotionally (at 30, if you can believe that.)

Religion, race, family status – none of that matters to me; though due to prior personal situations, I ask that anyone interested in connecting please be free of all types of criminal history. So, that’s me in a nutshell!

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Daughter

Looking To Find

Sister, Mother, Friend




United States



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