
My Headline

Seeking Healthy "Family" Connections

My Description

Through this site I hope to find individuals that are like-minded and are hoping to create a make-shift family/support network. To me this means celebrating personal victories with one another, supporting each other through difficult times, enjoying each others company and maybe even celebrating holidays together. I often feel a void that I think would be filled by such a family/support network. I am open to making new friends, but would especially like to develop sibling-like relationships with people who don't already have a working family.

Since I don't believe people are always the most objective judges of themselves, I asked my boyfriend to provide me with adjectives he felt best suited me. He came up with quirky, bohemian, cynical, dark, loyal, idealistic, caring, responsible and hardworking. I tend extremely critical of myself which makes me overly self-conscious and makes it difficult to accept compliments.

As I looked over his list of descriptives, I wondered about the role my biological family has played in defining these traits within me. The contact I have had with most of my biological relatives has been minimal due to dysfunctional interactions/behaviors that divided them long ago or because they moved so far apart that maintaining meaningful relationships was difficult. My personal experience with the majority of my father's side of the family has left me in emotional and mental anguish many times because of their childish cruelty. My mother's side is the kinder side of my family and I wish they were closer. Mostly, my mother's side love to laugh and are the absolute best hosts. The family that I am/was closest to included my mother, my grandmother (mother's mother) and my brother (same mother). The latter two are now deceased and I miss them so much. My mother, who I am fairly close to, moved several states away years ago for work. My father and I do not have a consistent relationship. I have half siblings from my father's side that live in other states that I have little to no contact with.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Friend




United States



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