
My Headline

Everything happens for a reason.

My Description

Hi, I'm me. I was raised by an amazing woman whom i call Mom. I have a protective older sister who decided to be nice to me as soon as i outgrew her and a much younger brother that is the love of my life and a dream come true. My father is remarried to a supportive, patient and brilliant woman that was a good addition to our misfit pack. I'm married to the most amazing and brilliant person i've ever had the pleasure of meeting ( kind of person who keeps me on my toes ). I was born in Brazil and came to the US when I was 5. I've missed out on growing up with my uncles and amazing Grandparents because of the move. My family is spread out across the world and I'm here. I'm an interesting person who loves to learn and talk and live as many lives as i can with the people i love. i love to travel but cant do it anywhere as much as i wish i could. I love food and talking about food and eating food and sharing food. ( My wife is a great cook…. think that was part of why i married her??? ) I'm fond of music and listen to a broad selection of genres. ( country is still being worked on ) Well. Gotta keep some things a mystery right?

Willing To Serve As

Grandson, Friend, Mentor

Looking To Find

Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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