
My Description

I am a professional guy who values family above all. Unfortunately, my family lives in Missouri, and I have transferred to San Antonio for work. I am interested in meeting people in the area. My mother raised 5 of us as a single mother, and she did an excellent job. If I can give back and mentor a kid as a father figure or big brother, I think it would be great. But really I'm here for anyone who needs someone to talk to. I should be clear, I am not a lonely guy. I have many friends and I am very active in a lot of activities around San Antonio. I was a foster parent in Missouri for a while, and really enjoyed making a difference. My foster son is 22 now, and doing well. I look forward to talking to you.

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Father, Grandfather, Friend, Mentor

Looking To Find

Grandson, Friend, Son




United States



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