
My Headline

Looking for a Mother, Sister, Friend

My Description

Hi! I grew up in foster care from the age of 8 to 16 and residential homes between 16 and 18.

My mother is physically disabled in a wheelchair and had difficulties taking care of me. She now has Parkinson's and is in a nursing home. I personally do not want her to be in a nursing home but I have no choice since I don't have a two-bedroom apartment and cannot take care of her. At the time of my childhood, she sought help from the state but then the state basically kidnapped me instead of helping her.

My dad was a good man deep down but neglected my mother and did not take care of us kids. I do have a few good memories with him but mostly he was out of the picture. He later committed suicide over a lot of guilt however the guilt did not come from me because I forgave him!

Growing up in foster care, I was abused in every way verbally, physically and sexually! My school teachers in the sixth grade helped me get out of the abusive foster home because CPS which was called DSS at the time would not remove me from the abusive foster home yet, it's okay for them to kidnap me from my mother!

I struggled a lot emotionally growing up and to this day struggle with those same issues however as a Christian I get through them by the grace of God!

I'm not on here to date but I am truly looking for a mother figure, Grandparent figure, sister figure, Mentor or Friend!

Although a Christian, I am not biased against gays and lesbians and accept all people! The true Jesus accepted all people!

I've been used and abused too much to deal with anyone's bullshit so please only respond if you are genuine and I will know if you are genuine because I have a very strong and discerning intuition which has saved my life numerous times!!!

I would prefer if you are Christian but if you are not, I will still accept you as long as you accept me as a Christian and we have other things to bond over.

I do not smoke nor drink and I'm not into bars or the party scene!

I am married but separated and have no children at this time! My husband is deaf and I love deaf people.

I have a big heart for children, elderly, disabled people and animals.

I also write Christian poetry and make jewelry.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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