
My Headline

Yearning for connection

My Description

I am a college student from North Carolina, new to New York City and here until late July for an internship. Even such a big city has felt quite lonely and I am trying to connect with people while I am here. I am very close to my family back home, especially my father, and have had so many mentors of different kinds over the years both within my family and from teachers, professors, etc. I have had to deal with a lot of social isolation over the years in terms of developing real bonds among people my own age and those bonds have always made that easier, although here in New York it is so lonely. Any way I can connect with people would be greatly appreciated so please get in touch with me. I have many diverse interests (politics, cello and viola da gamba, the Russian language, Judaism, travel, nature) and am very friendly and social. Look forward to hearing from you soon! Also, sorry about the no picture, creating this from my phone do I couldn't update it. I'm 6'1", 185 lbs, brown hair, brown eyes, nice smile, etc.

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Friend, Mentor

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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