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My Description

Hello! My name is chrisandra and i am a hardworking 22 year old white female. I am looking to build new family relationships because I feel that is what is missing in my life. I grew up with just my mother and my brother. My father left when I was young and i barely remember him. My mother and I were never close because she had a lot of drug and alcohol problems. We moved about every 6 months my entire childhood because of my mother’s attachment to abusive/bad men and her love of drugs and alcohol. My mother abandoned my brother when he was 16 and i was 11. I didn’t understand what she was doing at the time but she left him in Indiana to fend for himself and moved us to Illinois with one of her new boyfriends. I have barely heard from my brother since. He wants nothing to do with this joke of a family and I do not blame him. When I was 15 my mother abandoned me in Missouri and moved to Ohio with one of her boyfriends. It was common for her to leave for weeks at a time and not say anything, not call, or say where she was going or when she would be back. One time she left and never came back. I didn’t hear from her for 5 years. She called me crying one day saying she was going through a devote and had no friends and nowhere to go. I found her an apartment and called her to tell her about it and she decided to move with a long lost friends from Arkansas instead. She was never there for me throughout my whole childhood. She never hung out with me or talked to me or did anything that normal mothers and daughters do with eachother. I’ve always wanted a family that I can call mine. I’ve always wanted a secure group of people to love that love me back and will always be there. I’m tired of the depressing holidays and I’m tired of being embarassing every time I’m filling out a form that asks for an emergency contact. I would love to find someone else in search of a family that is genuine

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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