
My Headline

Looking for Friends and Family ❤️

My Description

I'm a fun and adventure loving person, it's just my husband, myself and our 7 pups. I don't come from a functional family at all. I won't go into all of it on here but my Grandparents on both sides have passed many years ago I only knew 1 of my grandmother's on my father's side and 1 step grandfather on my mother's side. My mother and father were very abusive as a child and continued into my adult life. I cut those toxic ties many years ago. I have a sister but she chooses to drug it up as a way of coping with our childhood. So after trying many times to make a relationship with her I have given up on her. But I really miss family, not the disfunction or the drama but the kind of love and friendship I saw my friends having with their families when I was growing up. I would love to make a family since the one I was given is broken beyond repair. I love cooking, shopping and the outdoors in general, I'm also a big time movie watcher. I'd love to make a family and some friends. My husband is my family and my best friend but still the longing for a family and close friends that I don't have still bothers me. My sister only lives 3 miles from me now and since I had moved to be closer to her and try to have a sense of family and build a relationship with her I've only seen her twice in the year I've been here. I'm looking to make my own functional family.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Grandson, Friend, Granddaughter, Son, Daughter




United States



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