
First Name or Nickname


My Headline

Looking to create my own family

My Description

In 2005 my Grandmother got ovarian cancer and my Mom and I cared for her. Three months later my Mom got ovarian cancer and passed just eight months later. My Grandmother passed shortly after my Mom and then my other Grandmother passed away of breast cancer and my Grandfathers from a stroke all within a couple years. I do not have any siblings. I have a Father and my parents were married at the time of my Mother’s passing but my Father has never been around. He travels six months out of the year to Asia and he has not seen me in eight years. I have no family and find the holidays to be an extremely difficult time. I am not married and do not have any children. I have not been able to go to school because my Mom passed away when I was young. I am trying to do everything by myself but I would love to have family. I believe family does not always have to be blood related but people we chose to love and care for. I have a big heart and I am always there for the people in my life.

I like to live a healthful lifestyle given that my family has passed from cancer. I do not smoke, I do not do any drugs and rarely drink. I love being in nature and eating organic food. I also have my splurge days too!

I stumbled across this website and thought it sounded like a neat website! I’m not sure what to expect or what I am looking for but it sure would be great to have someone in my life that is older that could be a mentor of some sort.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Mentor




United States



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