
My Headline

Empty Table Needs Family!

My Description

I am a former teacher/counselor who left the profession to help my husband run his business. We have a 26 year old son who lives in a city 5 hours away from us. My parents had me late in life and I have no brothers or sisters. They passed away several years ago, and my last living uncle recently died. I have 4 cousins and an aunt who all live very far from me, and they are of a different protestant denomination than me, one that is quite conservative. We don't see them except for funerals and weddings. I married my husband when I was 23 and he is Iranian. He came here when he was 18 and went to school and ultimately became an American. Many people don't want to accept him because of what they hear on the news but he really is just like everyone else and has adapted to our culture quite well. Because of our mixed family, I don't judge others based on their religion or ethnicity.
We love to travel when we can, both in the US and other countries. My son and I have been to Ireland twice, and I am looking forward to going back again. I enjoy researching my family's names. I used to love having family over for holidays and family events, but now everyone is gone. My husband's family does not get to visit much since there are so many restrictions for visiting the US.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Friend

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Friend, Son, Daughter




United States



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