
My Headline

Seeking love and acceptance.

My Description

I was adopted from Russia when I was about 8 months old. I grew up with my parents that adopted me and my brother (whom they adopted from Romania). I have not had contact with my birth mother but I would like to. It’s just difficult to track my biological family down. Anyways, I was pretty close to my father throughout the years but unfortunately he passed away when I was 14. My mother became very verbally and physically abusive towards me. I would say she probably has narcissistic or histrionic personality disorder. I’ve never really felt loved by her. In her eyes I can never do anything right and I’ll never be the perfect daughter she wants. She’s cold hearted and only talks about herself. She does not care about anything I have to say. She criticizes me constantly for the way I dress, my political affiliation, not being religious enough, and just everything else. I was never taught important life skills from her but was instead punished constantly for any little thing I did wrong. I just want to feel loved and have a mentor or someone I can talk with. I’m also not close with the rest of my family either. I’m tired of feeling stupid and guilty all the time. I feel so alone.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Mentor




United States



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