
My Headline

Need a big brother, mentor, and mom

My Description

It's all a long messy story, like so many others. But keynotes: it's amazing how lonely a family with no love in it can be. In my family it was like no matter how hard I worked or how high I aimed, it was never enough. My outlook was different so I was wrong. No accomplishment of mine could ever change that. To them, I was always something broken that needed to be fixed. But really, I'm just not like them: I don't yell, I try to not argue, I don't believe in complaining or forcing beliefs upon others. I'm just looking for family who will be there for me and love me for who I am. For family who won't try to change me. And I'll always do the same for you. (PS: my profile email is old. I'll give you my new one after we know eachother better.)

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Mother, Mentor


United States



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