
My Headline

a little lost on the adventure of life

My Description

My mother died when I was ten, and I hadn't seen her for 3 years prior to that due to a messy custody battle.

My half-sister (Mom's side) is 16 years older than me so we've never really been in the same place (on all levels) in my entire life. I've never really thought of myself as her sister.

My step-brother is also significantly older than me and since he's not blood related he never really had a desire to be involved with me. It always killed me not have and not have a "big brother" at the same time.

My dad shows no emotions. Ever. He's distant, and I've literally gone weeks living in the same house as him without speaking to him. We just have nothing to say to each other at this point.

My closest cousins (I'm Italian-this is important) are:
-my step-mother's nieces-who live in Connecticut. They're not really blood related and due to family conflict I haven't seen them in 3 years.
-My actual cousin who lives in Seattle, who is also kind of outcasted by the family, so I never see her and she rarely calls.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Mother, Mentor






United States



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