
My Headline

Open to creating family ties

My Description

I’m the discarded only child of a narcissistic mother and dad on the spectrum and had three beautiful children out of my love for family and intimate, dependable relationships. This defining event in my life happened 20 years ago and while it is the most unthinkable and sad thing that could happen to someone, in time I came to understand how it may have also been a great gift. Yet I sometimes feel like I stand alone in this life and don’t want to, or want anyone else to ever feel that way. I’m a sane and deeply loving soul that felt so mismatched with my fate but the idea that we can intentionally choose family out of love and openness strikes me with hope and wonder. I would most enjoy a parent figure and grandparent to my children, but I have room for siblings and aunts/uncles too.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Friend, Mentor, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Mentor




United States



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