
My Headline

Just want to experience family, somehow.

My Description

My name is Ana… 18 years old, I was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA. At 16 I moved to Texas and got to experience a little more freedom, especially the openness a crowded city like LA lacked. Coming from a big city was tough, but that'll be a story for some other day…
Growing up my family didn't really get along so I basically grew up in a very dysfunctional home, the arguments, fights and hate were normal. I grew up thinking that it was just typical family behavior…it wasn't. Eventually my parents separated, I was 11 and my mother never came home from work one night. My father an alcoholic, took it out on my brother and I.
Depression, loneliness and anxiety started taking over my life, locked in a room for years. I was young barely beginning to experience the outside world, but instead I was stuck in a very small dark place. Afraid of what was on the other side of my front door, and I started to develop social anxiety.
Over the years I've tried to improve myself in so many ways, but somehow it still feels like something's missing. I want to move on with life, but ultimately I don't want to keep struggling on my own.
My goal is to meet good genuine people, that will help me just as much as I will help them. Being around people that care isn't something i'm used to, but i'm definitely thrilled to find those whom I can take the time to get to know and share a part of my life with.

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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