
My Headline

Seeing if this works

My Description

Married to my best friend of 5 years. I work as a floral designer/delivery person. I have four daughters between 17 and 3 years of age. Love reading my Bible, spending time with my little immediate family, drawing, writing, dancing at random moments (especially in the car!), sushi, lifting weights and running, using movie quotes in regular conversations, COFFEE!!!!!, basically, just loving the beauty in this world and laughing at my own mistakes and moving forward. Who's with me?!
So what brought me to this site? I always wanted a strong Christian woman/mother figure in my life but never had that consistently. Someone non judgmental, with a quick wit and lots of love. Someone who loves to encourage and would be a good prayer partner for me. I also have an older sister who is estranged from me because of her life choices that make our relationship too hard. Yes I love her, I just don't know how to have her in my life as of yet. Maybe that's where a good mom figure can help me work that out. This also makes me long for that sister I don't have in my life. Any sistas from another mista want to talk pinterest, history, music, gardening, politics, whatever ???
So without putting all my baggage out there as of yet, lol, I'll just say I'm at a great place in my life now where the past has no hold over me, I am covered by grace, have learned to walk in other people's shoes and have found that I love way more than I ever have before. I feel that I'm a wonderful mom who would be happy to encourage, pray for and with and uplift any young lady who needs that. Ok, that's me in a nutshell. I look forward to hearing from someone. 😀

Looking To Find

Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor, Daughter




United States



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