
My Headline

Looking for a new family

My Description

I am really glad I found this website because I have been wanting to find a someone who is open to adopting an adult (me). I am about to get married in April and it suddenly hit me hard that my parents won't be there. They are both still alive but due to a very complicated relationship and circumstances, we no longer speak. I know the ideal is to adopt and infant or young child, but I believe there are some people who wish to form bonds of love even if it is with an older child.

About me, I am 29 years old and I grew up with a grandmother who raised me well and showed me love. She was diagnosed with lung cancer. After a long and difficult path of fighting with family members about the course of what to do for my grandma, i realize that I deserve better and should seek a family bond elsewhere. I could never express the distress I have felt accurately in words, so I will not try to do so at length, here. I always wondered why my parents acted so immaturely and why I couldn't have a strong and supportive parents who I respected and I could depend on. It has been a source of a lot of pain in my life, and although there is not much I can change about my relationship with my birth parents. I am now reaching out to this community to see if there is anyone who has thought about adopting an adult daughter.

Just so you know, I think that my struggles with my parents made me want to be nothing like them, and I worked incredibly hard to try to become a strong, independent and hardworking woman. I actually graduated with a master's degree and work as a health care professional.

I am not looking for any financial support or any other form of dependency, and I would not be a residential dependent. I'm Canadian, raised in Canada but currently reside in Florida. I have a green card from my work and my soon to be husband is an American with a successful career. I am really just looking for someone who has wanted a daughter who I can care for and love as the mother, father and sister, like I have always wanted. I am also not idealistic–I know no relationship is perfect, but hopefully fulfill each other's lives a bit more through this adoption.
If this sounds like something you would be interested in, please email me.


Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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