
My Headline

Looking to create a bigger family.

My Description

My name is Brandy. I have a mom and 2 brothers. I have 2 kids, a boy and girl ages 8 and 9. I have a boyfriend that lives with us, and currently going through a divorce. I have always wanted a sister and would love to connect with someone around my age. I lost my grandmother and grandfather that I was very close to when I was 25 before I had my children. It's very sad to me that my children will never know them, and I miss their stories. I was looking for more information on how to become a foster parent and somehow found my way to this website. So here I am, giving it a shot to connect with other people that are just searching for family. Someone to chat to and just share life with. I'm an Aquarius, so that basically means I am the coolest person you could meet, lol. Seriously though, I'm very accepting and love to laugh. Hope to chat to you soon =)

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Friend, Granddaughter

Looking To Find

Sister, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor, Son, Daughter




United States



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