
My Headline

Family is all I need

My Description

I grew up in a small town called Koycegiz, in Turkey. My parents were divorced when I was 8 years old. My father had full custody of my sister and I and raised us to be good citizens. My father passed away when I was 18. For years I try to build good relationship with my sister and finally accomplished it several years ago. I never had my aunts or uncles in my life when I was growing up nor grandparents. My mother has been very diffucult to communicate for years and then she passed away last October. Spent years wondering what it would be like to have a family. I now live in Queens, New York and my nearest relative, my sister lives with her family in London. I have no support group besides a few friends and often feel sad about it. I would like to have a family that I can count on, can share my happiness and sadness and do things like other families do. I spent many Christmas', Thanksgiving days alone and I just feel so alone. I wish to meet nice people who wishes to share their happiness and sadness with me and build a lifelong relationship.

Willing To Serve As

Mother, Friend, Mentor

Looking To Find

Brother, Mother, Friend, Mentor, Son, Daughter




United States



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