
My Headline

Honesty is the best policy

My Description

I am an adult child of an alcoholic. I was isolated from my extended family by my parents growing up and recently discovered I never mattered to most of them. I am a third generation only child and would love some familial support–parents, siblings, cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and mentors. I am Pagan and welcome contacts from any group. However, if you think your religion, political beliefs, or culture are superior to anyone else's, I won't get along with you. I only get along with LGBTQQ-accepting people, which includes straight people.

I enjoy films, film-making, theatre, dance, music, painting, drawing, and writing poetry, fiction, and non-fiction. I enjoy reading literary fiction and genre fiction such as horror or fantasy, though it has been awhile. My music tastes are really eclectic and I tend to like artists that are not American for some reason, but not always. If there is a good song, I will like it. I also enjoy going out for coffee, occasional drinks, playing cards and trivia board games. I do many of these things with my boyfriend, but that is not necessary.

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor, Companion




United States



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