
My Headline

Lonely lolalou

My Description

Hellooo.I am a caring, kind, thoughtful, but brutally honest person.
I have a heart made of magic mixed with beauty, but trepidation and sadness leaks in.
I love animals, respect the earth, and will do anything or be there when a person needs and wants me to.
I keep to myself minus a few people, as I don't like drama and backstabbing ect.
I haven't seen my 'father' since I was four.My 'mother' found it hard to bond with me and when my sister was born just before my ninth birthday, I was just pushed to the side, treated as a second rate person.I guess unwanted and in the way of her perfect new family.
I left home at fifteen to get away from the loneliness and nastiness.Looking after my sister every night, and used as an emotional but sometimes, punchbag.
At 22 I had my first child.My stunning, intelligent daughter.22 months later, my beautiful compassionate gentleman of a son.
They are my world, it's just the three of us.
I have missed out on having a mum and a daddy, and just really crave that in my life to add happiness and to heal.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Mentor



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