
My Headline

Looking For a Mother to that I never had

My Description

I'm a 36 year old Women with two kids and one grandchild I been on my own since I was 12 years old I have never had a mother or father in my life. my child hood life has been very hard on me I have a big hole in my heart cause I'm missing a mother out of my life I would love to have a mother love in my life and for my children's to have someone to call grandma I haven't even had a child hood life I have been asked a lot what I did as a child and I can't even give them an answer cause I never had a child hood life I was force to be grown before my time I'm always sad in my life cause I don't have any kinda family or motherly love I have no one I can go and talk to about anything I don't have a family I can call my family or go to any family house for the holidays me or my children's my heart will be filled once iam able to find me a mother /family I want to be able to share my love with them as they can do the same with me I'm very respectful and very honest and very open I don't keep secrets I have a daughter who is 13 and a son who is 20 and I have a grandson who is 3mos and I would really love to share my family with my mother whoever I willing to accept me as they daughter

Willing To Serve As

Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother




United States



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