
My Headline

Hoping this could work.

My Description

I love the backstory of the founder. This whole concept really resonates with me. I lost my parents at a young age. Had some family that tried to step in that was very different from me, and it didn't work out as well as it could have. No legal issues or anything, but it was not super smooth and ultimately ended in a cut off of communication. The holidays especially are hard, and I'm hoping to find a new family to bond with, love, and care for. I make a continuous effort to grow intellectually in many ways and many fields of study although I do have a focus and intend on going for further higher education. Not only do I want to spend time and do fun things with my family, help out when I'm needed, but I would love a parent or parents who have similar education background, and similar thirst for knowledge/conversation. I'm still young and want to grow as well as make a contribution to my new family. One thing that didn't seem to be in the interests area was physical fitness. I like to stay active even if it just means going on walks with potential older family members.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Daughter, Companion, Spouse

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Friend, Mentor, Spouse




United States



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