
My Headline

Dream Free

My Description

As a victim of mental, verbal, and emotional abuse that began at an early age, namely Narcissistic Abuse, Michael went on a healing journey to gain inner peace and discovered remarkable patterns in relation to Self-Awareness, Mental Health, and Emotional Intelligence (EQ). With the responsibility to repair his identity from the scraps of what would make his soul complete, Michael discovered his purpose and role here on earth by speaking into a camera and playing it back every day until he learned exactly who he was. He has since overcome the hardship of losing everything and everyone that was ever close to him, has persevered through nine months of homelessness, and survived eight years of pressing chronic progressive degenerative challenges to his health, all withstood by the young age of 21. As a result of most of his trials being deeply connected to human relationships, Michael has developed the earnest experiential wisdom to share a fresh look at mental health, and has devoted his life to sharing his thinking and leading a movement to inspire people to do what inspires them.

I am an unshakable optimist who believes in the future connection of a multicultural experience and our ability to build it together. My why is to inspire people to be emotionally free so we can truly express ourselves, be understood, and live in harmony. My mission is to shatter the image of degradation and replace it with the mode for developing opportunity. I lead people into emotional freedom by helping them find self-awareness so they can experience a whole and complete life of bliss within emotional intelligence! (EQ)

As an entertainer, I look to get a reaction from you to then take that energy and bounce it back to make you feel better! As a performer, I have to feel it in order to be it and share it with the world. That means I'm 100% real – always. Don't forget fun too! 🙂

Speaker, Healer, Leader, Dancer, Entertainer, Performer, Artist, Singer
I love adventurous activities and exchanging good energy through deep, playful, or thoughtful conversation. I like being myself, and I'm learning to have Unconditional Love and acceptance for everyone else. That would be you sweetheart. 😉

If you don't have a moral philosophy, don't talk to me. If you don't have emotional intelligence, why bother? Self-Awareness is a must. Your own mental health is necessary for trust. Funny thing is, these are the things I practice as I teach. If you're grown up with the emotional maturity to have a long-term relationship, do talk to me. I'm sure good things will come agreeingly. What I want is to grow with someone. A real friend. Somebody to love. Where can I find them? I wonder…"

"It's not about roles anymore, it's about souls. You make a difference whether you want to or not, because together we stand united in our unfolding. I unite souls before I show them their role, because we have one life audition, and the world is our stage. We must not forget to include the audience, for we aren't ready until we've started a lifelong party!"

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Friend, Mentor, Companion, Spouse

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Friend, Mentor, Companion, Spouse




United States



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