
My Headline

Looking for a brother

My Description

I'm looking for a brother or a close friend. Lost my parents when I was young and really don't have anyone since my friends started getting married and disappearing. Had an interest in a girl in college, but she married my best friend at the time, so trying to figure things out. I'm more of an extrovert (like having a few close friends), so don't like being alone too much, but I mostly am as I live alone. I'm a Christian and pretty conservative in my views so that makes it even a bit harder as I don't do the clubs and bars and all that stuff, and I got a biz online, so don't see people in an office or work setting. I've always wanted a little brother of sorts to be there for and take care of.

I really enjoy outdoor activities such as camping, kayaking, biking, etc. I can travel and looking to move soon.

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Friend, Mentor

Looking To Find





United States



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