
My Headline

Honestly looking for family i never got

My Description

Ive always considered myself a lost girl. Foster kid on and off from 2-18years old. Now 23 and still looking for the family i never got to have.

I love to smile, laugh, and be active. In my free time i loce to ride horses, train service dogs, and tain in parkour. I believe there is much in this world i dont understand, though am more than willing to learn. I am a girly lesbian happily engaged for almost a year now. (she is also in need to sisters and a mother figure)

I am interested in finding a mom, a sister, (I have always wanted a sister) and friends. If there is a married couple who could be both mom and dad that would be amazing, but I am not interested in a single man as a dad figure in my life (nothing against men, simply feel more comfortable with a mom figure as well). I hope to have women in my life that could mentor me, teach me things, laugh with me and be there for me through thick and thin. I know it can take a while for a true family bond to be created but I would love to truly consider these women my family, with the possibility of maybe being able to call someone "mom" someday.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Mentor




United States



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