
My Headline

I Want To Feel Loved

My Description

Hello and Welcome to my profile!
I'am a single mother and my family is dysfunctional. My dad walked out and my mother barely raised me. I feel as though I'am viewed as a mistake because I had a baby. I tried to get along with my family but it does not work. I'am tired of being isolated and I want to be part of a family who will be positive towards me and help me feel wanted. I'am open to hearing stories and also willing to go into depth about mine if asked because there's a lot of pain there. I'am searching for the mother and father I never had, the sister I always wanted, and the mentor to guide me. I'am also open to being that missing piece for someone else. Please inbox me if you want to know more about me and if you'd like to be a part of the family I need. Thank you and I can't wait to meet you!

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Sister, Father, Mother, Mentor




United States



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