
My Headline

Friendship is essential to the soul

My Description

I am the youngest of five children and I was raised by both parents who wed at an early age . My parents remained married until my mother passed away of colon cancer . I had a wonderful childhood however losing my mom at age 18 changed my life forever. I am married and have a daughter . I go to church often and I do have friends but they don't live here in NY. It seems as if my social life stopped once I got married. My family has grown so far apart and it has become more difficult to hold onto my mothers dying wish of keeping us all together and being there to love and support one another. That is now a distant memory as my family as I knew it no longer exists. Everyone seems to be caught up in their own world . Hence the reason why I have decided to choose a new family, lol. I am looking for a group of family and friends that I can trust , grow to love, and share my life with. I want to build honest, loyal, caring and respecting relationships with people who are supportive, reliable, understanding, kindhearted and unselfish. I am looking for these traits because these are all traits that I can give to a relationship. I am loyal to a fault. I will help anyone and I am extremely compassionate. I do not like to see people suffer and if I can ease their burden I will attempt it or guide them in the right direction. If you are looking for the same , even better . God bless and sprinkle love all around in everything that you do .

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Mother, Friend, Mentor, Son, Daughter




United States



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