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Searching For My Forever Family

My Description

Hello! ^__^ I just turned 27 years old a few weeks ago and I’m happily married with two children, ages 4 and 6.

I was raised in Canada and I am the second youngest of four children. I am estranged from both of my bio parents and three siblings. There was a lot of verbal and emotional abuse, a few occasions of physical abuse as well in the home as I was growing up. My parents were able to provide financially for me, but there was no emotional attachment from my parents (especially from my mother, her mother was the same towards her, hence, the vicious cycle). My father was raised in a very abusive environment. So, it’s been hard to bond. I have always felt out of place, disconnected from them. Two of my siblings were highly celebrated when they would achieve milestones, I rarely felt acknowledged until I was diagnosed with Dystonia, even then, my mother’s intentions were questionable (I can get into more detail about that later).

I have a neuromuscular disorder called Dystonia (Primary DYT1), it does affect my gait and speech to a certain extent, but my intellect is fine. Other than that, I’m a very happy, ambitious young lady. I’m trying to find myself in this big world, but I am missing a huge part of my life. I would love a mother, father, brother, or sister for guidance, support, and unconditional love. My children are also missing loving and supportive grandparents in their lives.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Friend




United States



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