
My Headline

Sweetheart who will love and accept you

My Description

I come from a traditionally, dysfunctional American family. I am the ignored, middle child of four. My parents are divorced, and my family was a strange mix of Ayn Rand and Jehovah's Witness religious influence. I was sexually abused, my father was absentee and a really bad influence. I haven't spoken to him in 10 years. My family loves me, and we are on amends from several years of estrangement. However, I still desire a family where I feel significant and secure, instead of a stranger.

My personality is quiet, pensive, introspective, analytical, cynical, intellectual, and I am very well read but without a formal degree. I love animals, but I am allergic to cats. I bite my nails. I'm not that smart in the academic manner. I enjoy boardgames and card games, reading, entertainment, gardening, hiking and camping, cooking, and long conversations.

I would love to find women who overcame an abusive relationship and are now either happily single or in a healthy relationship. I have a very helpful personality, so I could definitely be the caring daughter that you might be lacking or that girl you would like to help have the chance that you would've wanted when you were in my state.

I am also open to all of the other relationships available here: parental, sibling, a new aunt.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Friend, Mentor, Son, Daughter




United States



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