
First Name or Nickname


My Headline

Daddy's Girl, Big Bro's Girl

My Description

I’m in my early 20’s and I rarely miss a day of work. I’m a comic book and movie/television fan. I’m completely in love with my cats. I do NOT smoke, drink, or go anywhere near drugs. I hardly date, either.

It may sound as if I have it all together, but the truth is that there’s a longing in my life that won’t go away. I have a wonderful adoptive family, but there is something they are unable to fulfill for me. I’m the youngest of three sisters, but I’m the most dependable and have to make all of the responsible decisions for the family. I can’t even turn to my own parents when my back is against the ropes. What I really want more than anything is a strong father and/or older brother figure. A man I can talk, hug, or even cry to when I need it. To gain this person would truly bring fulfillment to my life once and for all.

Looking To Find

Brother, Father, Mentor




United States



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