
My Headline

►Veteran Female Looking For A Family

My Description

I am a Military Army Female Veteran and I have worked in the Television Industry for over 22 years now (ABC, CBS, FOX, TBN, NBC).

My family history: I had a pretty rough/tough childhood and I really had no parents (I've been on my own since 16 years old). My dad and stepmom abused us and my birth mother was/is mentally ill. Despite this, I still love my parents and have no ill will towards them because I believe people can't give you what they don't have. That being said, I believe we as humans all desire and long for a healthy family/friend support system (I find the older I get, the more I desire this).

I am looking for the following: mom, dad, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, uncle, friend and mentor. I am truly grateful that I can come to a website like this to find a family. To all of my prospective family members, I thank you in advance and I can't wait to meet you. In the meantime have a wonderful,blessed, awesome day!

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Mother, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Daughter, Companion

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor, Companion


United States



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