
My Headline

looking for love & care and give it back

My Description

I'm a young college student who works part time and lives at home with mom. I'm wanting to transfer to Purdue to study science or Engineering. I live in a city where I have no other family and have struggled to make friends because this not where we are from and have only lived where we are at for a few years. I have lost most of my grandparents and other extended family members over the years. I had a close relationship with my grandma and grandpa. I also have a brother, grandma, and biological father that I sometimes and sometimes don't have a good relationship with. I'm hoping to fill this gap by finding new people that are like family, grandparents, friends, and a romantic relationship. I wand to make my life better by creating family and friends.

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Grandson, Mentor, Companion

Looking To Find

Sister, Grandfather, Grandmother, Mentor, Companion




United States



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