
My Headline

Looking to fill a void

My Description

I like to think of myself as a nice, sweet, loving person that you can count on. I was born and raised in virginia. I'm mixed black and white. Mother is black/white and father white. My mother became pregnant with me when she was 15 and father 18 Raised by my Grandmother (my mothers, mother) and grandfather that I was taught to believe was my mom and dad and my aunt and uncles were my brothers and sister. I figured at a very young age that this was not true but never revealed the truth that I knew till the death of my grandmother/mama. Immediately after her death I moved in with my biological mother when I was 10. Everything that I knew and loved was being taken from me. My sister was now my aunt my brothers now my uncles and I had a new state, home, school and sister and brother. I knew of them but wasn't really aloud to know them before the death of my grandmother because they were black. Around this time I met my biological father for the first time and when I was 16 my mother sent me to live with him because she couldn't control me and he molested me. I have lived on and off with my mother since I was 14 due to the fact that we just can't get along because she was and is emotional mentally and physically abusive. In our last battle with each other I decided that I wasn't going to take her mental/emotional abuse any more and ended up losing my brother and sister that I became very close with and aunt. Now the only family I have is my daughter and her father. I wish I could substitute my family for my daughters fathers family but he's in the same boat as me, so we literally only have each other. I need a mother / sister connection because I believe that family is all you have its all you need without family you have nothing.

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter, Daughter

Looking To Find

Sister, Mother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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