
My Description

Hello, I am just over 30 years old. I grew up with narcissistic and alcoholic father, and a mother that didn't really know it was wrong, because, lets face it, you don't know what you don't know. I didn't know it until I got married what an unhealthy home I was raised in. Being raised the way I was, I have a lot of anxiety which only the people that are closest to me see. My wife actually found this site for me, because in a narcissistic home the child actually becomes the parent and I never got the guidance or the hand on my shoulder from my dad saying, "Son, it's going to be okay." My parent's relationship as you can imagine was not a great model, and there for my marriage is very difficult at times. We have a child and would like to have more, but I feel like I could be a better father and for sure a better husband if I could see a healthy relationship between a husband and wife, as well as the possibility to have a good father and son relationship. I am looking for a couple that are probably in their 50s or so, maybe younger, maybe older. It is alright with me if they have children of their own or not. It would be nice if they lived in MN but if not, be able to meet at least and have the ability to call each other like a father and son would.

Looking To Find

Father, Mother




United States



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