
My Headline

Lonely, Need best friend, mentor, family

My Description

This is hard, and don't want to sound pathetic. OK, here we go. I could write a Novel, but will keep is short.

I am 58 year old male, and I own my own business., but so hard to function, without a family. Have almost given up, on ever finding a family, but have, great hope, from Choose a Family.

I am recovering still,l from two car accidents, reason second wife left. She could not handle all the injuries, and no money coming in. So she left for greener pastures. Big mistake she says now. She was my the love of my life and soul mate I thought. Do not have children, but love them all and am animal lover, which I miss where I live.

Mom is 85, going on 29! Runs around like a chicken with her head cut off, but, she lost her mom, when she was six. She taught me my Christian values, which is how I have survived the last four years since accident in 08.

Mom was not loved, and have I have not had love, like I have always yearned for, my entire life.

Dad died in 1987, from stupidity. Four packs of cigarettes, and being an alcoholic, will do that. He was only 61, and did not know how to love.

OK, I am a man, full of love, with a big heart, and want to give back, what God has blessed me with, just being alive.

Always wanted a close knit family. I guess I wished that I was Italian, like the Godfathers family, but had it in second wife, but it was all taken away. No fault of mine. That is not ego, but just a fact. It was all taken away, for no good reason.

OK, I am funny, loving, like to have fun, always smiling, and looking for a best friend, mentor, family and have so much love to give. I am very loyal to the cause. Best loving friend, anyone can have. I have so much to give!

I am a great cook, almost Martha Stewart clean, but, feel, I have lost my chance in life, but I am not a quitter.

I have had so many life experiences, that, I know what it is to love and lost, twice.

I can be a son, best friend, mentor and the best part of a family, if I can just find where to find one. I am really lost in life, and it is hard to work, without a family, which I had.

OK, I hope I do not sound pathetic, just have been lost for over four years, and looking to love, give love and be a best friend, son and mentor.

I can write a Novel, but will tell you more later.


Shelby Simmons

Willing To Serve As

Brother, Friend, Mentor, Son

Looking To Find

Father, Friend, Mentor


San Antonio




United States



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