
My Headline

One is Silver & the other Gold…

My Description

"Make new family but keep the old. One is silver, and the other gold." This song popped into my head when I was trying to come up with a username. Plus with twins who just turned 4, we have children's music surrounding us a lot! So, we are looking for our silver family- a new family. My husband and I are thrilled with our little four-some, and we are lucky to have my parents nearby, who are terrific grandparents to our twins. And still we are saddened that our lives are usually lacking in big family gatherings and that our children don't have much extended family. My husband's parents both died when he was a child (his mom when he was 2 and then his dad died when he was 12.) His family suffered in multiple ways and he now has no relationship at all with 4 out of 5 of his siblings and only communicates with one of his extended relatives. This means I did not gain an in-law family through marriage, and our children do not have any cousins, aunts, uncles or grandparents on my husband's side. I have two brothers, neither are married and have no kids. One is too busy- and possibly a bit too immature- to be in touch much. My other brother turned his back on us, after what I though was a minor dispute, about 6 years ago. He has yet to acknowledge the birth of our children. Some of my relatives have died, none live nearby, and most are too busy with their own lives to be more connected to us. My cousins are all younger, single, traveling and we never grew up together so we're missing those strong bonds. My husband and I are very friendly, sociable, talkative, fun people. We are both creative thinkers, generous and caring. He loves a good debate, enjoys goofing around with the kids, has natural athletic abilities and is a a great salesman. I work as an Advocate in the healthcare field but mostly am enjoying being mommy right now. We look forward to connecting with other healthy-minded people who are looking to choose family members. Ideally, we're looking for siblings for ourselves, and for our children: surrogate grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins. We hope to enrich your lives and feel we have a lot to offer. Thank you for reading this long profile!

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Mentor, Granddaughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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