
My Headline

Do as to others as you wish to be done!

My Description

Lost both parents, but was able to get to know them before they pass. Bonus!! I have one brother and three sisters and we are in the same area but have grew apart. Since my mother passed it seems that we no longer connect with each other any more. Growing up and being the youngest I longed for closeness with my siblings and it seems they pulled away as I made an effort to be close to them. It has been a challenge to have friends because it is a challenge to trust. I have been researching and working on self healing for the last 15 years to improve my feelings on this matter and I am seeking to have the kind of the relationship that I deserve in my life. I came across this website to seek and to find such like minded beings that are seeking the same. FOR REAL!!!!!!!!! Blessed be!!

Willing To Serve As

Sister, Friend, Granddaughter

Looking To Find

Brother, Sister, Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Friend, Mentor




United States



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